Drug use is a problem that affects both the individual and society. To reduce the damage this causes, it is essential to implement preventive programs within the school, family, and community environment or in spaces of leisure and free time to reduce the prevalence of the use and abuse of different substances.

Drug Consumption

Adolescents deserve special attention in this regard since using drugs is always harmful, but the damage increases significantly if they are consumed before reaching adulthood.

Substance use hurts brain development, and this makes the impact and consequences more significant in the long term when they occur at this stage of life.

intervention strategies

During early adolescence, there is more probability of having first contact with drugs, which is reason enough to implement a preventive intervention that reduces the possibility of starting or increasing their consumption. This would result in going to an addiction clinic to help you.

The evolutionary moment in which adolescents find themselves makes them live each experience intensely, seeking to live different sensations that, on many occasions, they obtain through the consumption of substances.

Lack of self-control, the mistaken belief that most young people consume, or wanting to be integrated into a group of friends may be risk factors that increase the probability that the person will consume.

As intervention strategies, we can find alternative proposals for healthy leisure through sports activities, movie nights, theater outings, etc.,

drug addiction

The implementation of programs that promote the development of skills such as resistance to peer pressure, the ability to make decisions, or the strengthening of personal commitment towards unfavorable attitudes related to drug addiction.

And now, let’s reflect, what knowledge do young people have today about the effects and consequences of drug use? Are you aware of the number of myths about various substances, or do you believe everything you hear about them is true? The lack of information is, in many cases, a factor that increases the probability of substance abuse.

What Is Drug Abuse?

Use controlled substances, such as heroin and cocaine. Using prescription or over-the-counter medications with the intent of getting high Misusing drugs can lead to drug addiction. Substance addiction is a chronic (long-term) disease that makes it very difficult to stop using those substances.

If you have a drug problem, you are not alone. Drug addiction is a common health problem affecting millions of teens in the United States annually.

The happiest news is that you can obtain treatment for drug addiction. Getting help is an excellent thing you can do for yourself and your loved ones.

Drug Addiction 

Drug addiction is a disease that infects the brain. Drugs can change the way you think, feel, and act. Some of these changes can last a long time.

Drug addiction is a chronic disease. It may never go away completely. People addicted to drugs and stop using drugs have frequent relapses during recovery (that is, they start taking drugs). But treatment can help you control addiction and live a longer, healthier life.